Hi Jane / Matt. Im Agustin from Spain. Actually, Im from Uruguay. Been living here in Spain 4 the last 15 years, currently running a business (coffeshop).

I happened to watch your videos of how you started from scratch with your farm and I find you have a similar mindset and vision as me and my couple. The thing is I was looking 4 places to visit in the countryside if we manage to go to Uruguay this year together (we always had to go separately), and just by chance I stumbled with your videos. I like your ideas and agree with your vision of the near future (probable future) and would really like to be part of that project of creating new economies and community. 4 now, I can share some feedback with you from this spot of Europe if you´d like to. May be we could collaborate somehow. I guess I´m just following my spine on this, knowing that I had to present myself to you in case you could be interested in sharing thoughts, information and ideas. Actually we are thinking of buying some land there, just in case 4 the same reason and purposes you mentioned. You seem a very intelligent and creative couple, just the kind of people we miss and need right now in this world. Let me know if you need some advice or contact in Uruguay, I hapen to have some good friends, good people that can be useful to you in case of needing them. As I said, we might be flying to Uruguay on Feb. Our families live in both Montevideo and Canelones, but we are planning to explore the countryside (we know very few of it). Anyways, our best wishes to you on this project, we think you are very brave. My email is amarquezcaballero@hotmail.com just in case. Cheers

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Hey guys do you have an email address? I have some valuable information. Here are my credentials. iceagegardener.com Reply to iceagegardener@gmail.com. Thanks for your time!

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Do you need a farmhand on your new farm ???

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